Center for General Practice at Aalborg University

At Center for General Practice (CAM AAU), we have an interdisciplinary academic environment where our research focuses on improving general practice. We facilitate research-based teaching and training for general practice.

We have several research domains relevant to general practice, but our main focus areas are musculoskeletal problems across the life span; the application of new technology in general practice; the use of antibiotics; and chronic diseases (such as diabetes and metabolic disorders) and their treatment. In addition, we investigate how to secure the implementation and effective translation of our research. We are involved in conducting teaching and supervision at several departments at AAU, primarily at the programs for medicine at bachelor and master’s levels.

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CEnter for General Practice at AAlborg University | SELMA LAGERLØFS VEJ 249 | Room 11.02.043 | 9260 GISTRUP, DANMARK